After a sad loss of a loved friend or family it falls to the family to clear and clean the property ready for either sale or rental.
This can often be quite complicated especially if death had occurred in the property itself. Having it cleared, professionally cleaned and if needed biohazard level treatment with certification can give the new residents or home owners peace of mind, and give you proof the property has had the well above average cleaning specialist treatment it needs.
Shropshire Expert Cleaners LTD assess, consult and action everything. From the initial assessment of the property and walk around to the type of waste and specialist transport that might be required we can take care of your death clearance in Telford & Shrewsbury from clutter to clean.
If we come across valuable items like keys, letters, family sentimental items we will clean them and put them aside for you. We deal with any potential hazards such as blood spills, human waste or urine spills and even dangerous items such as swords, knives and even firearms!
Whatever the challenge we have come across almost everything in the last 12 years of specialist cleaning! You even get a certificate which is accepted by environmental and public health departments and we are licensed waste carriers with an upper tier license.
As professional cleaners we try and ensure that from the initial phone call to the legal paperwork and inspection at the end we give you an experience that makes a tragic experience a little easier and one less thing to worry about.
Why not call us today on 07462 479 576?